Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We Need Your Help!

We are currently prepping for the 12 bands in 12 hrs project and could use your help!  In order to make sure that this CD/DVD and TAPE/VHS reaches the largest audience we need to raise as much money as possible for manufacturing and distribution costs!  So, we are asking you, the beauiful poeple, to donate a little of your hard earned paycheck to help with these costs.  Donating is easy and secure via PayPal, and you don't have to be a PayPal user to donate!  

If you are not familiar with the 12bands/12hrs project, it's this:
We have asked 12 of our favorite bands to come to BLDGs on July 30th 2011, and have given them one (1) hour to rec' one (1) song all while filming the process.  The end product will be a CD/DVD and TAPE/VHS that you can then have and watch and listen and make love to!  EXCITING!!!

You're probably asking yourself, what do I get out of all this donating I'm about to be doing?  Well, check it, here's a break down of what you get for the amount donated!

$5.00 or more - Receive a digital download of the 12bands/12hrs project.

$15.00 or more - Receive a copy of CD/DVD or TAPE/VHS + digital download of the 12bands/12hrs project.

$25.00 or more - Receive a copy of CD/DVD or TAPE/VHS + digital download of the 12bands/12hrs project AND a 2nd BLDGs compilation featuring MORE Seattle bands!

$50.00 or more - Receive a copy of CD/DVD or TAPE/VHS + digital download of the 12bands/12hrs project, a 2nd BLDGs compilation featuring MORE Seattle bands, AND your name in the video credits and album artwork! YowZA!

$75.00 or more - Receive a copy of CD/DVD or TAPE/VHS + digital download 12bands/12hrs project, a 2nd BLDGs compilation featuring MORE Seattle bands, your name in the video credits and album artwork, AND a 12bands12hrs HANDMADE SILKSCREENED TSHIRT!!! Double YowZA!

If you can't afford the $5.00 donation, that's okay, anything helps!  Every dollar goes into the production of this AMAZING project!

So, with all that out of the way, the bands you get to hear & see are none other than:

Charles Leo Gebhradt IV -

Alright loves, below is the DONATE button!  Just click it and follow the instructions.

All DONATORS - send us an email of where you would like us to email your Digital Download to!

If you are a part of the $15.00 - $75.00 and up club, send us an email with format preference (CD/DVD or TAPE/VHS) and shirt size, as well as how you would like your name to appear in the credits! Mailing address might also be nice to add in there as well, so do that too.  


w/ mega love from BLDGs, 
see ya on the flipside!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

12 bands in 12 hours!

We are proud to announce that on July 30th we will be recording 12 of our fave bands in 12 hours! 

What's this mean? 

It means each band will get 1hr to rec 1song.  DUH!  The process will also be filmed with the help from our favest cinema-to-grapher Carlos Lopez!  That way, you the end viewer will get to SEE what we record, so for all you out-of-towner types you'll get to be a part of what Seattle gets to love every night.  PAR-TAY!

Bands who have offered their time and talent are as such:

Charles Leo Gebhardt IV
Witch Gardens
Partman Parthorse
The Chain
Pony TIme
Dude York
So Pitted
...and then one more, but if we gave them all away right now it wouldn't be as much fun now would it.

The end result will be available on CD/DVD and TAPE/VHS plus Digital Download that you will be able to buy right here.


Actually there's not.  HAVE A FUN LIFE PEOPLE!